Saturday, January 16, 2010
I recently came across an issue where an administrative assistant needed to search her boss’s huge mailbox while it was attached in Online mode to her Outlook profile. Normally, Outlook search will work for certain folders (like Calendar and Contacts) because it caches those folders from attached mailboxes so that they can be indexed; however […]
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Outlook issue: duplicates everywhere Once the Google Sync tool completes the first synchronization of the mailbox you will see a replica of your Google Mail inbox in the mail folders pane in Outlook. Aside from the built-in Outlook folders (of which Inbox, Sent Items, and Deleted Items are mapped to Inbox, Sent Mail, and Trash […]
Monday, December 14, 2009
When disabling Cached Exchange Mode always remember to navigate to the mailbox’s OST file and either rename or remove the file from that location. This needs to be done because for some reason Outlook will not switch completely to “Online” mode if it finds the OST file that it was previously using on that profile. […]
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